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Vitafloor specializes in industry-leading horse equipment.

Vibration Therapy is a mechanical stimulus caused by oscillatory motion. 


The Vitafloor has three different Frequencies for all your stimuli needs:


  • 35Hz for bone related problems

  • 40Hz for all soft tissue, general training, muscle build, and warm up

  • 50Hz for Colic ( call Veterinarian first) 


Designed to keep your horses competitive, fit, and healthy.







VMC Vitafloor Unit

(Vibration Therapy)


The Vitafloor VMC is the most compact Vitafloor to date. Being the smallest Vitafloor available, it combines superior upwards vibration along with a smaller plate size.  


Made from durable materials, the VMC's feet are adjustable and has a water resistant control box with a variable frequency control.


It can be supplied as a stand-alone plate only, or with our lightweight aluminum side bar system, which includes a safety click system for the front and back bars. This system is unique to Vitafloor and is the safest on the market today. 


All you need is a solid level surface and an outlet to plug in the control cabinet and you are good to go!


Vitafloor Stable Unit


The Vitafloor built-in stall and horse trailer units are an invaluable investment for training, veterinary and rehabilitation facilities wishing to optimize the well-being and performance of horses in their care.


All of the built-in models allow the horse to move about freely and naturally within a stall. The control cabinet has an automated timer and frequency settings panel which provides the ultimate practicality as no supervision is necessary during treatments.


These models are custom made to fit to your stall or trailer with the option of adding an airlift tilt mechanism which is proven to increase the effects and benefits of vibrational therapy by 30%


The optional airlift tilt mechanism enables the floor to tilt a few inches at time in different directions and intervals increasing the performance of the vibrational therapy by more than 30%. Each time the floor raises, it requires the horse to activate a different set of muscles comparable to muscle isolation training in humans.

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“VDL stud farm is responsible for more than 50 breeding stallions worldwide. Since 1972 our warmbloods and their offspring have been put to the test at the highest levels, and our horses have been taking part in the Olympics since 1996. In addition, our stallions are being successfully used by other studbooks. 

In our continued quest to improve our quality, we started using a Vitafloor in the beginning of 2022 in our European certified breeding station in Bears, The Netherlands.

Our company slogan is “Quality wins the battle” and the use of the Vitafloor fits within this very well”.

VDL Stud – Bears, The Netherlands

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